Cultivate your deep-listening. Let your soul have a voice. Meet yourself where you are in that moment with no judgment or expectation and give yourself the gift of that specific song. The music is choosing you for a reason.

Cultivate your deep-listening. Let your soul have a voice. Meet yourself where you are in that moment with no judgment or expectation and give yourself the gift of that specific song. The music is choosing you for a reason.
Noticing vocal fatigue, lack of clarity in your tone, feeling less free and flexible? It could be the way you are releasing your sound that is irritating your voice…
There are many aspects to the study of voice, but observing how you create sound from the onset may provide valuable breakthroughs in your vocal technique and your effectiveness in communicating your passion.
From speaking to singing, low belly breathing is literally at the core of a strong, expressive and confident voice.
One way to take the pressure off the larynx and create a clear resonate tone is by making sound through the consonant blend of the “ng.” Watch this video voice lesson to help you find your “ng” space.
If you are a giver and feeling a bit unbalanced in life and in your vocal production, try the idea of letting your sound feed and nurture you first – giving from this place may help you take the first steps to returning to healthy giving and healthy singing.
Are you singing from a state of “Lockdown”?
Are you breathing in, holding the ribs, and then producing sound? If you are feeling rib tension or rigidity while you sing, then you may be suffering from what I call Lockdown.
And, it may be negatively affecting the freedom of your voice.
Whether you sing pop, jazz, blues, opera, musical theater, or country… you may find your solution to easy high notes in a creating a pure ahhhh vowel.
Are your shoulders tight and tense? Shoulder tension may make it more difficult to sing with ease. Try these 5 shoulder stretches to open up your sound and sing with more freedom.
The average head weighs about 10-11 pounds… as our magnificent neck holds this weight and houses our precious vocal folds… there may be some habits that have crept in over time that may not serve you in your singing.