Tag: Complete Singer System
It is a well-known fact that athletes not only train their bodies, but also their minds. Mental rehearsal or visualization has been around for decades; used by Olympians, pro golfers, soccer players, boxers, and hundreds of other professional athletes. Join me in crafting a personalized, 5 -10 minute relaxed visualization based on your successful past and future events that conjure strong positive emotions. This visualization will become part of your pre-event ritual to put you in a powerful state of action.
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Developing a keen sense of how the sound in made on the minutest level brings great awareness and health when creating a full vocal sound. One concept that that supports this intimate study is Cuperto. Read on and learn exercises to help you!
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I did something this week that surprised even me; I signed up for dance class. With my performance background, it may not appear to be too far a stretch 🙂 … but this choice had nothing to do with resumes, backgrounds, or to-do lists… and everything to do with heart. And like with most tender ideas, it began with an intense tug-of-war as all of my inner critics gathered to tell me they thought…
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Let’s choose to be real – not perfect! Here’s a look at how the music industry is faking it and steps you can take to support your singing and the singers you care about!
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Crave vocal freedom? … Discover a new sense of vocal space. Once you bring awareness to the space you are creating in your posture, breath, resonators, and articulators, experiment creating the space BEFORE you sing the note. Every note is set up in the moment before the note is sung.
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Don’t miss this podcast interview with singer, director, and instructor Doug Nagel. He shares valuable performing and career tools to help you create the thriving singer’s life you deserve!
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Change Your Singing By Changing Your Perspective In my voice studio, I often use words like play, experiment, feel, and imagine. I incorporate untraditional movements into the lesson time; the goal being to override vocal muscle-memory and allow a space for the student to see their potential in a new light. This […]
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Music connects the memories of our life and for those of us whose calling is to hold the silence and fill it with our song know all too well the vulnerability necessary to transcend the body to reach another person on a heart level. We are the storytellers, the torchbearers that draw people out and into the beauty of wholeness… embracing shadow and light – death and life, love and hate. Music gives us permission and space to feel the entirely of our human experience.
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Click above on the video to watch my Open Mouth Hum Vocal Warm-up demonstration Welcome to my complete warm-up series… Over the last few weeks, I have shared with you two body warm-ups, a mind warm-up, and a popular vocal warm-up…today, I am giving you another valuable vocal warm-up #2. Let’s […]
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Used by professional singers worldwide – this popular warm-up… the Lip Trill will help you sing your best!
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