Category: Performance Mind-Set

19 Jun 2014

8 Easy Steps to Confident Performing

It is a well-known fact that athletes not only train their bodies, but also their minds.  Mental rehearsal or visualization has been around for decades; used by Olympians, pro golfers, soccer players, boxers, and hundreds of other professional athletes. Join me in crafting a personalized, 5 -10 minute relaxed visualization based on your successful past and future events that conjure strong positive emotions.  This visualization will become part of your pre-event ritual to put you in a powerful state of action.

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05 Jun 2014

Crave more fun? How I faced my inner critics and found more joy!

I did something this week that surprised even me; I signed up for dance class. With my performance background, it may not appear to be too far a stretch 🙂 … but this choice had nothing to do with resumes, backgrounds, or to-do lists… and everything to do with heart. And like with most tender ideas, it began with an intense tug-of-war as all of my inner critics gathered to tell me they thought…

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10 Apr 2014

Singing Lessons: Want to Sing With More Freedom? Be a “Bird Brain”

Does a bird, teetering on his branch, think about how his voice may be criticized, judged, or analyzed?  Does he get nervous or tense hoping he will please those that hear him? Does he wonder if his voice would be beautiful? Nope. A bird’s voice is conjured from pure instinct… divine genetics… a melodic destiny… and so is yours.


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03 Apr 2014

Emotions… are you faking it? 6 Steps to Take Your Singing to a Deeper Level

Music connects the memories of our life and for those of us whose calling is to hold the silence and fill it with our song know all too well the vulnerability necessary to transcend the body to reach another person on a heart level. We are the storytellers, the torchbearers that draw people out and into the beauty of wholeness… embracing shadow and light – death and life, love and hate. Music gives us permission and space to feel the entirely of our human experience.

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06 Feb 2014

Performance Strategy: Feeling Stuck? No matter what you love to sing – from Country, to Choral, to Opera – this tool is for you!

  Click on the above video to hear how I used performance cards to liven-up an tired song and nail an audition.      No matter what you love to sing… from Country, to Choral, to Opera – this tool is just for you!   Regardless of the genre of music you like to sing […]

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30 Jan 2014

Are You a 10 or a 1? Create Your Own Evaluation System To Ensure Singing Success

Create your own flexible evaluation system that takes judgments and critiques out of your head and puts them on paper. With your new assessment process, the next time you listen to someone or want to improve a recording of yourself, you will have better tools to ensure your singing success and structured starting point to meet your performing goals.

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