One way to take the pressure off the larynx and create a clear resonate tone is by making sound through the consonant blend of the “ng.” Watch this video voice lesson to help you find your “ng” space.

One way to take the pressure off the larynx and create a clear resonate tone is by making sound through the consonant blend of the “ng.” Watch this video voice lesson to help you find your “ng” space.
Singers are smart. We know how to take in information from a multitude of sources, make adjustments, and instantly apply it to our work; from the practice room to lessons, auditions, rehearsals, and to performances, we are highly observant, coachable, and eager to serve. But sometimes this outward focus may become our dominant tool and we forget to nurture the inner feel of the voice.
Who is important to you? What do you hold valuable? What would you put in your safe deposit box? Last weekend, I traveled to Oregon to handle some details involving my mom’s estate. Mom passed away last month, and as the executor, one of my duties is closing bank accounts and […]
Click on the above video to the introduction to this blog post… Nurturing well-being in your creative life may lead to wonderful side effects, like feeling a sense of clarity, purpose, support, faith, inspiration, joy, even having more physical energy. While today I take conscious steps to support myself through daily practices, this […]
As a singer, actor, or speaker, you are your instrument – taking time to warm-up your body, mind and voice will greatly enhance your creative journey. Use Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way” Morning Pages to warm-up your mind… helping you stay true to your unique heart’s song.