Category: Body Connection
It was the call that shifted everything. “Tricia, Mom has a 50% chance of living. I can’t do this alone. You need to get on the next flight to Medford.” Music has played many roles in my life, but over the last two weeks it has come full circle, back to the very person that gave me life, song, and an unquenchable desire to serve.
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We can play an active part in awakening our body, breath, and voice by doing exercises that support the respiratory process. Try this one to improve flexibility, strength, lung capacity, and vocal tone.
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Are you bringing gentle awareness to your unique, sensitive, and vulnerable instrument? What key is your voice offering to you that will unlock the next door to self discovery?
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The idea of vocal space, physical and environmental, is significant. Today let’s dive into our physical environment… What if you had a designated spot to practice? A place that when you were working, it gave you a deeper sense of purpose and passion? Here are 7 steps to help you create a space that inspires you!
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Do you experience vocal fatigue? Strain or tension? How about vocal hoarseness after singing? Try this simple exercise to help you find vocal freedom.
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I was confused and lost. I was afraid to practice, to learn new music, and eventually, I even loathed the sound of my own voice. Then, I made a choice…
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I did something this week that surprised even me; I signed up for dance class. With my performance background, it may not appear to be too far a stretch 🙂 … but this choice had nothing to do with resumes, backgrounds, or to-do lists… and everything to do with heart. And like with most tender ideas, it began with an intense tug-of-war as all of my inner critics gathered to tell me they thought…
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Crave vocal freedom? … Discover a new sense of vocal space. Once you bring awareness to the space you are creating in your posture, breath, resonators, and articulators, experiment creating the space BEFORE you sing the note. Every note is set up in the moment before the note is sung.
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Change Your Singing By Changing Your Perspective In my voice studio, I often use words like play, experiment, feel, and imagine. I incorporate untraditional movements into the lesson time; the goal being to override vocal muscle-memory and allow a space for the student to see their potential in a new light. This […]
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Imagine being 68 years-old, singing and playing music you love to sold out crowds across the globe… this is the life of Dave Mason, Hall of Fame inductee and singer/song writer/ guitarist of the 60’s band Traffic. This week,I was lucky enough to see his Denver concert and meet him back-stage. Here are 6 things Dave Mason does to keep his voice youthful, plus a vocal exercise to use elements of your natural speaking voice to help you sing with ease.
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