11 Dec 2015

Voice Lessons: Find Positive Vocal Results With This “Negative” Concept

“Negative Space” is a design concept that describes the space around the image or focal point. 


And, over Thanksgiving break, I was lured into watching Project Runway Junior.  It is a reality show that takes 10 talented young fashion designers through a series of design challenges…


Rubin's Vase by Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin
Rubin’s Vase by Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin


One challenge was to allow the New York cityscape to inspire an outfit. One of the designers chose to use the negative space above the skyline for her design. 


This got me thinkin’…


In today’s video, I share with you how focusing on negative space can flip your perspective and give you positive vocal results.


Click the video below to learn how this concept can help you with your singing and speaking…



Have fun with this concept and notice how it shifts your physical awareness and brings more openness to your sound.


Always Rejoice In Your Voice™!




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