Tag: Complete Singer System
As a singer, actor, or speaker, you are your instrument – taking time to warm-up your body, mind and voice will greatly enhance your creative journey. Use Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way” Morning Pages to warm-up your mind… helping you stay true to your unique heart’s song.
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As a singer, actor, or public speaker, we are our instrument. The Sun Salutation activates your breathing, as well as stretching out your entire body… in less than 2 minutes. Try it!
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As a singer,actor, or public speaker you are your instrument. We are very much like athletes… conditioning our bodies and minds; fine-tuning our skills for peak performance. We cultivate stamina, endurance, flexibility, and expect consistent results. Unnecessary tension may hinder our true voices from being expressed. But like an athlete, a good warm-up may unleash potential and positively impact our process, as well as help in meeting our goals. It is for this reason that over the next few weeks, I am sharing with you a series of warm-ups that will… alleviate tension, enhance focus, and encourage space for a relaxed and open sound.
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Six Must-Do-Steps When Learning Your New Song So, you picked a new song. You love it…it is in your vocal range, sits nicely in your tessitura, and is a piece you feel drawn to perform. Now what? Here are my six must-do-steps when learning a new song and a process that I encourage […]
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Click on the above video to hear how I used performance cards to liven-up an tired song and nail an audition. No matter what you love to sing… from Country, to Choral, to Opera – this tool is just for you! Regardless of the genre of music you like to sing […]
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