27 Feb 2014

Singing Lessons: This 2-Minute Yoga Warm-up Is Perfect for Activating Breath and Body


Try this 2-minute Yoga Warm-up! It is perfect for activating your breath and your body! 


Part 2: Warm-up – Yoga Sun Salutation

Over the next few weeks, I am sharing with you a series of warm-ups. In alignment with my Complete Singer System™ – these warm-ups will address your body, mind, and voice. 


I am excited to share with you today one of my favorite body warm-ups


A looooong time ago when I was a senior in high school, I attended a performing camp. Jamie Peck, an actor at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, taught all the students this physical warm-up. 

Every day, before we began our studies in voice, acting and dance, he would lead us in this series of yoga postures… together called the Sun Salutation. 

Ever since, I have kept it a part of my “before singing” warm-up repertoire. 


One thing I love about the Sun Salutation is that the nature of the warm-up aligns the breath with movement. Each motion happens on either an exhale or an inhale…


As a singer, actor, or public speaker, we are our instrument. The Sun Salutation activates your breathing, as well as stretching out your entire body… in less than 2 minutes


I use the Sun Salutation before I practice, rehearse, audition, perform, or speak. 


I am not a yoga instructor or a personal trainer. If you have physical complications or limitations, check with your doctor before trying these poses. 


Your Rejoice In Your Voice™ assignment is to look over the posture photos below and watch the demonstration video also below… and then go try it!

Pay special attention to coordinating your breath with every movement. 


Comment below and let me know how it went for you… how did the Sun Salutation positively impact your singing? 


Have fun! Happy Singing! 

Always Rejoice In Your Voice™

xoxoxo Tricia


Click video below to watch Sun Salutation warm-up…



Step-by-Step Pictorial Guide

“inhale” and “exhale” noted in the caption below each photo


1. Tadasana – Inhale


2. Urdhva Hastasana – Exhale


3. Urdhva Hastasana – Inhale


4. Uttanasana – Exhale


5. Ardha Uttanasana – Inhale


6. Uttanasana – Exhale


7. Lunge – Inhale


8. Plank – Exhale


9. Chaturanga Dandasna – Exhale


10. Upward Facing Dog – Inhale


11. Downward Facing Dog – Exhale
(I like to take 4 to 5 full breaths in this pose)


12. Chaturanga Dandasana- Inhale


13. Upward Facing Dog – Exhale


14. Plank – Inhale


15. Lunge – Exhale


16. Uttanasana – Inhale


17. Ardha Uttanasana – Exhale


18. Uttanasana – Inhale


19. Urdhva Hastasana – Exhale


20. Tadasana – Inhale


Have fun! Let me know how it goes!

~ Tricia



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