Tag: Vocal

20 Dec 2013

Part 4: Singers! This Band Will Support You!

In part four of my five part series: sharing creative ways to integrate breath into your singing, I show you how to use an exercise band to connect with your core and create a supported sound. Feel how breath, sound, and motion move as one. Feel the muscle coordination that is gently working to create your sound. Feel the openness of the sound as it exits your body. Feel your entire body singing.

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22 Nov 2013

Part 1: Exercise to Help You Fully Integrate Breath Into Your Singing – Get On The Ball!

Singers who fully integrate their breath into their music-making find benefits in sound quality, clarity, stamina, character development, and even memorization. Why is this? Because the music is fully in and on their body. Today I share with you the first of a five-part series showing you different exercises to fully integrate your breath into your singing. Read the step-by-step instruction below and watch the demonstration video and then have fun applying the work to your song. Get on the ball!

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15 Nov 2013

Take Control of Your Performing Destiny

This week, I challenge you to take control of mastering the art of performing by committing to perform on a regular basis… monthly if possible. Take the idea of performing out of your head, out of the practice room, and on to the calendar – schedule it. In this post, I explain why it is important to consistently perform, and I also give you some ideas of venues.

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08 Nov 2013

Performing Tip: Use Scripting To Help Conquer Your Nerves

Let’s face it, performing can bring up nerves for even the most seasoned professional. Unfortunately, fear shows up at the most inconvenient of times and in the most obnoxious of ways….breathing becomes shallow, throat gets tight, mouth gets dry, lip quivers, or shaky knees…we have all been there. Before you give up the stage for good…there are ways to master your fear and perform with more confidence, and today I am going to share with you a 20-minute exercise that will help transform your butterflies into songbirds.

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