Tag: singing tips

21 Feb 2014

Singing Lessons: This Full Body Warm-up Will Help Open Up Your Voice – Part 1

As a singer,actor, or public speaker you are your instrument. We are very much like athletes… conditioning our bodies and minds; fine-tuning our skills for peak performance. We cultivate stamina, endurance, flexibility, and expect consistent results. Unnecessary tension may hinder our true voices from being expressed. But like an athlete, a good warm-up may unleash potential and positively impact our process, as well as help in meeting our goals.  It is for this reason that over the next few weeks, I am sharing with you a series of warm-ups that will… alleviate tension, enhance focus, and encourage space for a relaxed and open sound.

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18 Jan 2014

Change a limited belief about your singing with this simple process!

Here is simple exercise that I have used to flush out and shift a limiting belief. It is a valuable starting point… and the awareness I have received with this process has been truly helpful… For me, a trigger belief ended up being a pathway to understanding something much deeper about myself and my purpose. How cool is that?!?!

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20 Dec 2013

Part 4: Singers! This Band Will Support You!

In part four of my five part series: sharing creative ways to integrate breath into your singing, I show you how to use an exercise band to connect with your core and create a supported sound. Feel how breath, sound, and motion move as one. Feel the muscle coordination that is gently working to create your sound. Feel the openness of the sound as it exits your body. Feel your entire body singing.

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