Category: Uncategorized

22 Nov 2013

Part 1: Exercise to Help You Fully Integrate Breath Into Your Singing – Get On The Ball!

Singers who fully integrate their breath into their music-making find benefits in sound quality, clarity, stamina, character development, and even memorization. Why is this? Because the music is fully in and on their body. Today I share with you the first of a five-part series showing you different exercises to fully integrate your breath into your singing. Read the step-by-step instruction below and watch the demonstration video and then have fun applying the work to your song. Get on the ball!

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17 Sep 2013

3 Life Lessons From Brünnehilde

Stan asked me to come and photograph rehearsals of their upcoming production of the Mini-Ring – a four hour reduced version of the five day full Ring Cycle. Who would I be photographing, you ask? If only you could see my smile…right now…none other than international and national opera stars, several of whom have performed at the Metropolitan Opera House. Jay Hunter Morris, Lori Phillips, Richard Paul Fink, Sarah Heltzel, Phillip Skinner, Kevin Langen, Sally Wolf, and Joseph Hu. I was so excited to be with all of these wonderful people…and my expectations were exceeded. I went with a heart to learn, and here’s what this handful of Wagnerian Gods and Goddesses taught me…

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08 Sep 2013

Power of Choice: Be a Strategist not a Reactionist

Performance mind-set is really life mind-set. What we bring to the stage is how we live life, and for me, the more I understand myself and why I do what I do, not only will I better serve my art, but I will live life with more awareness and…that means more beauty.  I seek to share myself transparently with the hope that by living my truth you may find what you are looking for and we may share this very wonderful experience.

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