21 Feb 2014

Singing Lessons: This Full Body Warm-up Will Help Open Up Your Voice – Part 1

Click video above to hear about my new free warm-up series that will improve your singing. 


Want to sing better?

Try this full body warm-up before singing and notice how your sound improves. 


As a singer, actor, or public speaker, you are your instrument.



We are very much like athletes… conditioning our bodies and minds, fine-tuning our skills for peak performance. We cultivate stamina, endurance, flexibility, and expect consistent results.




Unnecessary tension may hinder our true voices from being expressed. But like an athlete, a good warm-up may unleash potential and positively impact our process, as well as help in meeting our goals.



It is for this reason that over the next few weeks, I am sharing with you a series of warm-ups that will…

 – alleviate tension

 – enhance focus

 – encourage space for a relaxed and open sound



Staying in alignment with my Complete Singer System™, I will give you warm-up suggestions for your body, mind, and voice, preparing your entire instrument to sing your favorite music.



I advise that you warm-up all three areas, body, mind, and voice, before practicing, rehearsing, auditioning, teaching, or performing. I also encourage you to warm-up the mind and the body before you warm-up vocally.


Photo Credit: WBOSITG



Today we begin the series with an easy, but comprehensive, body warm-upIt will work out the kinks, center your breath, and get you relaxed and ready to sing.



Your Rejoice In Your Voice™ assignment is to watch my instruction warm-up video below, try it out, and let me know how it goes:) 



See you next week for Part 2 of my warm-up series. 



Have fun, happy singing, and always Rejoice In Your Voice™!

xoxox ,Tricia



Click video below to watch the full-body warm-up that alleviates tension, connects you to your breath, and opens-up your sound. 



  1. These are wonderful body warm-up exercises and I love that you focus on being grounded in your body! I have shared this video with my women’s singing group and I hope we will incorporate some of these exercises into our rehearsals each week. Thank you so much!

  2. Tricia, your tips are awesome! Keep them coming! I’ve shared them with my sons’ high school music department today! WOo HOO!

    1. Thank you, Cena, so much!


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