Tag: perform

22 Nov 2013

Part 1: Exercise to Help You Fully Integrate Breath Into Your Singing – Get On The Ball!

Singers who fully integrate their breath into their music-making find benefits in sound quality, clarity, stamina, character development, and even memorization. Why is this? Because the music is fully in and on their body. Today I share with you the first of a five-part series showing you different exercises to fully integrate your breath into your singing. Read the step-by-step instruction below and watch the demonstration video and then have fun applying the work to your song. Get on the ball!

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15 Nov 2013

Take Control of Your Performing Destiny

This week, I challenge you to take control of mastering the art of performing by committing to perform on a regular basis… monthly if possible. Take the idea of performing out of your head, out of the practice room, and on to the calendar – schedule it. In this post, I explain why it is important to consistently perform, and I also give you some ideas of venues.

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