Singing Lessons: Give Me Some Lip with a Lip Trill Vocal Warm-up – Complete Warm-up Series #4
Click on video above for Lip-Trill Warm-up Demonstration
Welcome to my warm-up series…
Over the last few weeks I have shared with you two body warm-ups and a mind warm-up and today, I share a popular vocal warm-up…
Let’s get singing with…
Vocal Warm-up: Lip Trill
In the video above, I give a very basic demonstration of the lip trill,
but before you begin, here are….
5 Important Points to Remember When Practicing This Warm-up
Stay loose and relaxed!
1. relaxed lips – allow your lips to “flap” and be flexible… no gripping or tension.

2. relaxed jaw – make sure your jaw is not grabbing at any point during the warm-up; onset through completion. Allow for space between your teeth.
3. relaxed neck – keep your neck flexible. If you feel neck tension, move your head from side to side or in a small circle to loosen the neck muscles while singing the lip trill.
4. relaxed tongue – sometimes tension may sneak in at the base of the tongue. Allow your tongue to be loose and soft. The tip of the tongue is gently resting behind the bottom front teeth.
5. relaxed onset of sound – gently start the breath moving then add the sound. This allows the vocal folds to gently enter into phonation rather then an abrupt glottal attack or push of air that sometimes happens when using this warm-up.
Bonus Suggestion:
Have Fun With the Note Patterns
You may use all sorts of different note patterns when singing this warm-up.
In the video, I demonstrate a five note pattern ascending and descending, but you may use a full octave, three or four note pattern, chromatic formation, or a triad. Have fun experimenting with different patterns.
Look to your music for ideas.
– Are there intervals that need work? Use a lip trill warm-up.
– What about a coloratura passage that is causing you issues? Use a lip trill.
– Is there an awkward register transition? Use a lip trill to gently guide you through it.
I also like to sing entire melodies with the lip trill to allow for breath and voice to be fully integrated through the piece.
Have fun warming-up with the Lip-trill.
Let me knows how it goes in the comment section below and share this post with a singer friend! Happy singing!
Always Rejoice In Your Voice™!
P.S. What some feedback on your singing?
Email me today for your free 30-minute singing lesson and voice assessment in studio or via skype – my email: triciapine@rejoiceinyourvoice.com
I look forward to hearing from you!
March 19, 2014
LOVE the lip bbbbbbbbb…. One of my favorite warm ups too!